What is Stewardship?

Christian Stewardship refers to the responsibility that Christians have in maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God has bestowed. God wishes human beings to be his collaborators in the work of creation, redemption, and sanctification. As stewards, we continue to evaluate the pattern of giving in light of our steadfast desire to maintain an active, vibrant church.  Scriptural Context Luke 13:18-21 (Parable of the mustard seed and the yeast) Big and small gifts are appreciated and can be used by God. There is hardly a more beautiful way to speak about the hidden promise of even the smallest gift than the image of the mustard seed, so tiny yet holding so much possibility. Or for those who are bakers, the yeast provides a similar illustration. We are given so many gifts from God, and we are called to give back. Perhaps we feel small, or we feel like our gifts are small, but we hold the promise of God’s awesome power at work within us and through our gifts. So we share our gifts so that God can use them and grow them, just like the mustard seed becomes a tree big enough for birds and the yeast grows big enough to make the bread and provide sustenance for us.

Matthew 6:26-33 (Jesus talk about the birds and the lilies and God’s provision) Often times a lack of generosity is based on fear or worry, that there will not be “enough.” This verse reminds us that God provides generously to us, that we don’t need to worry, and instead we are called to “strive first for the kingdom of God.” God provides, as Jesus promises in this verse, and then we are invited to share generously out of that provision. 

How to share your gifts Our God given gifts are not limited to monetary offerings though our annual pledge campaign. While monetary contributions are essential to support the operation of our facilities and to compensation our ministry team; gifts in terms of time and talent are essential to do God's work in our community.  If you are interested in giving of your time and talents to certain ministries, feel free to contact our pastor at pastorericpeterson@gmail.com.

Luke 10:25 relates the story of the Good Samaritan. Not until I heard a sermon upon this subject would I have related it with Stewardship or aghast, Finance. After all isn’t stewardship the giving of money to the church, tithing and all of that? The story though causes us to ask basic questions of life’s purpose and meaning and our calling to be faithful servants.  In this parable, the good Samaritan (let’s call him Sam) took direct action to fulfill the will of God and showed his love for the unlovable. He was presented with a man, bleeding and unwashed. Providence had intervened in his plan. 

Sam would be taking a detour on his trek to Jericho. What is not presented in detail in Jesus’s narrative is the hard part in following the law. Sam did not drop two silver coins beside the road and count himself justified. It was his time and effort in carrying the bleeding and bruised man to safety that was critical.  Sam was undoubtedly a successful man and had things to do in Jericho. His day was changed completely. His highest values overrode the plan for that day. He would arrive late.

It is difficult for us to grasp the level of loathing and disgust that Jews of the first century held for their distant cousins the Samaritans. Jews would walk miles to avoid passing through Samaria. Yet, Jesus uses the generosity of this Samaritan to demonstrate what real love might look like.  

In a world that offers chaos and confusion and loss of meaning, the church, our church offers a glimmer of hope.   We may not get a chance to rescue a bleeding and bruised man on the road to Jericho but we can support Christ’s mission. Let us turn intentions into action as our friend Sam did. This is the essence of stewardship.

We have a unique opportunity to plan for the activities of our church, its mission, budget and programs. As we reflect upon our call to be good stewards, please consider the church’s needs and how you may contribute. Yes, monetary gifts are critical but so are your gifts of time. Prayerfully consider, as you are called to do, a pledge that places and prioritizes the true and good.

Together we have a chance to help our church meet its goals for 2025. The vision is to increase our outreach to our community and world. Be the Good Samaritan. Your talents, time and treasure can make this a reality. 


John Tegtmeier,  Stewardship/Finance Co Chair

Online Giving

We have provided the option to give monetarily online for ease of use to you. A link for online giving is available in the Give tab of the website, scroll down to access the link. The Church has a safe and secure PayPal account, which accepts payments via credit cards, debit cards, or your personal PayPal account. You may add notes to your payment, such as your member number, or if you intend your payment to be a special offering. Payments may be one-time or set up as recurring.

Annual Stewardship Campaign

Our annual stewardship drive starts in September of each year. During this time as stewards, we have a long-standing practice of generosity in the giving life of our congregation, expressed though both pledged and non-pledged contributions. Our annual giving results show that we have members who are fully engaged in the life of the congregation