Prayer Ministry

Prayer Chain

We are a community of Christians from many traditions. "You shall love the Lord your God, and your neighbor as yourself."

We care deeply about each other by helping in times of need through prayer.  

​If you have a prayer request, please call our church office (715-543-2998) or email at

World Day of Prayer

What is World Day of Prayer?

World Day of Prayer is a worldwide, ecumenical movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service.

When is WDP?

World Day of Prayer 2025 is Friday, March 7th- Our church hosted the service for our local area, one of three in our state that day!

World Day of Prayer takes place internationally on the first Friday of March every year. In 2025, that will be March 7th. Our congregation celebrates this in symbolic solidarity with women around the world!

The host for WDP 2025 is the Cook Islands. The WDP 2025 program is called “I Have Made You Wonderful. The Cook Islands will include a children's program with activities to help children learn how God made their bodies wonderful. The program will also feature a song that is popular with children in the Cook Islands, as well as information about the country's history, particularly the achievements of women.

Prayer and action are what link us together around the globe.